segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2022

Já está fresquinho lá fora!

A chuvinha chegou finalmente e esperemos que tenha vindo para ficar e encher as barragens.
Por aqui e porque lá fora está frio e só apetece ficar no calor do lar (quando dá), tenho tentado escrever mais e pôr cá para fora as personagens e a história que por enquanto, só vivem na minha cabeça.
Mas posso adiantar que ao passo que o meu último livro se passa entre Nova Iorque e Montana, esta história passa-se entre Miami e Paris.
Oh là là!💏
Outra coisa que alegra estes dias frios de Outono (que, muito sinceramente, adoro😁) é saber que já começou a época de esqui alpino! E no fim-de-semana, aproveitei para matar as saudades via televisão, eheheheh!😎

Não sei se gostam tanto de desportos de Inverno como eu, mas para quem gosta, aqui fica o calendário deste ano:
Boa semana!💞 

PS - Vêm o reflexo do Tareco a dormir no sofá?!😸

12 comentários:

Bella disse...

Sábado ainda estava bonzinho, mas ontem de manhã o frio bateu à porta para ficar! Já apetece os casacos :) Nunca fiz esqui :D tbm não sou grande fã do frio lol ou não nasci eu em Africa :D Fico à espera do teu romance quando as personagens passarem para o papel :) Bjs

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Por aqui está meeessssmo friozinho, mas prefiro isso aos 40º graus! ;)
Apesar de não ter nascido em África, também gosto de calor, mas quando passas os 25º graus... nã...
Beijinhos e boa semana!

Anónimo disse...

Olá querida
Venho aqui pra te dizer que meu blog mudou de link
Agora é :
Espero ver você lá.
Aqui no Brasil está bem calor já hehehe

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Olá, Larissa!
Já mudei também aqui no meu blogue, para poder acompanhar as tuas escritas.
Aí no Brasil está a chegar o Verão, certo? Por aqui, o Inverno já se aproxima!
Beijinhos e uma semana abençada!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Dearest Paula & Nuno,
Well, you sure love the rain and the dams being able to fill up—water is essential.
Both of us did roll our bikes this afternoon as yesterday I could not.
Our choir was also requested to perform at 3:30 PM during a South Georgia convention gathering at the Church. We got an ovation where people clapped—always feels good.
But with that it was over with the Sunday afternoon.
So we rode today and so enjoyed it. Now I have to prepare the chicken breasts with rice in the oven, with a base of Campbell's creamy mushroom soup (no salt, our special delivery of healthy soups!). Will be able to freeze several portions for later use. With a fresh salad we're done.
As for sports—both of us are totally out of any sports and we don't miss it.
It is also a form of worshipping in many forms and ways and people are willing to spend lots of money on attending certain games. So the biblical golden calf has never actually disappeared...😏
Tareco is a very clever boy and we both side with him!
Big hugs to all three of you from both of us.

Mari disse...

It's been warm here over the weekend and we greatly enjoyed the sun and the beautiful Fall colors. But I'm afraid winter is coming.
I do see Tereco!
Hope the writing goes well.

Ginny Hartzler disse...

Your kitty is adorable! I would much rather watch winter sports on T.V. than actually do them!

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Whaaattt??!!! You don't like to slide down a hill with the wind in your face?! :D
I like to watch them on tv and enjoy them live. We have a mountain called Estrela (Star) and it's wonderful for winter sports, but due to the pandemic and Nuno's health problems, we haven't gone there for a while.
God willing, next year we will BE there!
Have a wonderful week, Ginny!

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Tareco is always enjoying the sun! XD
They said today on the news that a heat wave is expected to hit France, Spain and the south of Portugal. That's one thing we DON'T need after such a big drought...
Have a blessed week, Mari and enjoy those last Fall colors!

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Hi, Mariette!
Yes, I do, because although I also love the heat, I DON'T love the extreme temperatures we had in the Summer... :(
I'm not surprised that your choir got a standing ovation, judging from what I saw from your Christmas Concert video!
You say you and Pieter are out of any sport, but you two are some of the most displined and sportsman people I "know"! You are always in shape and moving out and about!
I was searching for Campbell's soups here in the market, but they don't have any. Only portuguese and german brands and I don't think they have low sodium or no salt varieties...
We do have mushroom soup, but in powder form, from Knorr, Maggi and other brands and I sometimes use them to prepare creamy dishes, too!
About sports being a form of worshiping, that is SO true, unfortunatelly... I see it in soccer games, where people are willing to kill for their teams and spend money they don't have to buy the best seats and equipment.
Or in american football, where they pay thousands of dollars to go to Superbowl.
As you say, the biblical golden calf has never actually disappeared... Let's pray we never substitute the real God, for golden calfs of any form.
Big hugs from us to you, Pieter, your kitties and Kwekkie, of course!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

And big hugs right back to you, Nuno and Tareco! 💞

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...
