segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2022


Como já devem ter notado (ou não😅) esta semana não coloquei aqui o menu. Não o fiz, porque quero usar as coisas mais antigas que ainda tenho no congelador (peixe, carne e legumes) e como estamos a poucos dias do Natal, a ementa vai ser composta por aquilo que eu tirar para descongelar no dia anterior.

Peço desculpa também por não estar a ser tão assídua nos vossos cantinhos, mas além de querer ter a minha escrita em dia, eu e o Nuno temos estado ocupados a planear e a organizar os nossos objetivos para o próximo ano.

Para a ceia de Natal não pode faltar o bacalhau, que este ano vai ser feito com natas e broa! E vocês, qual é o prato principal que vão fazer para a Consoada? E já discutiram com a vossa cara metade/filhos/pais/avós os vossos objetivos para 2023?

Beijinhos e boa semana!😄

24 comentários:

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Dearest Paula,
Guess nobody has time to spare these weeks approaching Christmas!
Yesterday was a tough day as we had choir rehearsal with orchestra at 9:00 A.M.
Since we have only one car, Pieter had to come with me that early, so the alarm got set at 6:30 AM for having our healthy breakfast with meds and supplements before singing. The ladies did present a kind of in–between breakfast buffet with hearty and sweet items but both of us don't partake as we follow a strict medical diet.
So proud that my blood sugar level was normal—that means I've behaved well the past six months. Regardless the almost daily piece of dark chocolate with tea at noon time.
This morning I had my checkup at the nephrologist's office. Not so happy to hear that my kidney function had dropped 3% since June...
Also he heard a heart murmur so that needs to be looked at with an EKG.
It always hits you when you get such a report—trying so very hard to live healthy but stress, often caused by others can also affect you negatively.
I'd planned to have the Christmas party for the choir members at our home but there were so many issues that it did not happen. Had worked so hard, together with Pieter of course. I'm getting weaker, need to sit down for a break, especially when cleaning floors and such where I have to bend down... Makes me dizzy.
On Thursday evening when both of us tried to bring the rolled up wool/silk rug up the stairs, I almost fell down the stairs. That scared me big time!
It was too much and too heavy for both of us—way too risky.
The person who came to clean our rugs from the living– and veranda room had taken them downstairs in the morning, to clean them on our tile floor inside our garage. Perfect as it was clean. But they needed to dry the entire day, using a big fan that Pieter had himself. They first offered to leave theirs for that purpose but we got our own in the work shop.
Then rolling it up and bringing it upstairs... Oh my!
Looks very nice though and the kitties loved to lay on it.
Have to eat my soup now with tortilla chips. A hot meal for a freezing night again... Saturday it will freeze more than now the –3°C, down to –8°C!
Cold for sweaters and warm booties...
Big hugs to you both from both of us!
We're trying to eat out for Christmas but Ristorante da Maria has not yet posted anything—Tuesdays they do. So we will look and might take our widowed friend (younger) with us... Don't want to drive again to Atlanta for shopping before Christmas.

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Hi, Mariette!
I'm sorry to hear about your health scares and I hope you are feeling better and more calm today.
Unfortunatelly, as time goes by, we feel that some of the things we did so easily just a few years ago, get harder and harder. I can speak for myself...
Praying for you both and sending lots and lots of hugs to you and Pieter!

Bella disse...

Olá Paula. Provavelmente vou fazer refogado de trigo serraceno no dia de Consoada e no dia de Natal será arroz e batatinhas no forno :P yumyum. Nós não temos o hábito de fazer resoluções para o Ano Novo :) Passaremos a passagem do ano como sempre na igreja a buscar ao Senhor ^^ Beijocas e tudo de bom para vocês!

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Olá, Bella!
Também gosto muito de batatinhas com arroz no forno. Nham, nham!
Quanto às resoluções de Ano Novo, costumamos pedir a Deus que nos dê sabedoria para fazê-las e depois pedimos-Lhe que nos abençoe para as concretizar! ;P
Beijoquinhas e boa semana!

Bella disse...

Oh isso é uma excelente ideia :) Talvez vá te copiar este ano :P Beijocas

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Eheheheheh! :D
Geralmente, as resoluções têm a ver com coisas que Deus nos mostra que temos de melhorar ou mudar.

Ingrid Shinoda disse...

Olá Paula!
O bacalhau sempre esta na lista, eu gosto muito de chester.
Beijinhos e tenha uma linda semana de bênçãos =)

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Olá, Ingrid!
Também gostamos muito de bacalhau de 1001 maneiras e cada ano, o Nuno está responsável por escolher a forma como vou cozinhá-lo. Já é uma tradição nossa! :)
Tive de ir ver o que era Chester e descobri que é peru assado! Nunca comi peru assado no Natal, mas é muito bom também.
Beijinhos e uma semana abençoada!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Thank you sweet friend!
You are such a God sent—it is obvious that our paths somehow had to cross...
Yes, I'm calmer today, not so much in a daze as I was yesterday!
Thank you for those links, some of the food is helpful.
Most I've already sorted out but at times we tend to slip off a bit...
Our kitty Bandido was sick today. He has those bouts of vomiting and I hate to see him having to go through that.
Yes, senior kitties face the very same issues as we humans will encounter!
Did at least update some of the links and such in my older posts—as I was looking back via label and used three of them for my upcoming posts.
Big hugs to you both!

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

I can say the same about you! ;)
So glad you are feeling better today and that the links were helpful. We are always learning new things and have to share them when we can!
Oh, one thing that also made Nuno's kidneys work worse was laurel. Don't ask me why, but it did.
I always used laurel leaves in my cooking, but when he did the transplant and it started to fail, I noticed that when I didn't use it the kidney worked better.
It doesn't mean it's the same for everybody, but I thought it would be better to let you know in case you cook with laurel.
Bigs hugs to you and Pieter and praying for Dido. Our animals are like family and we have to pray for all of God's creation.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Paula, yes I've used Laurel powder (ran out of leaves long time ago...) in my home cooked red cabbage... One wonders at times! Yes, praying for all of God's creation 💞

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Maybe you can try to stop using it until you go to your next appointment and see if any of the values change. Who knows?
Praying for you and Pieter! 😊

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

It always is good for looking over the entire list of items not suitable anymore. Pieter loves avocado and thus he shares one half with me for breakfast. But I'm not supposed to have them... guess I must be firmer. Pieter thinks it is good for me and I need it. True but not so good for my kidneys! Life becomes rather complicated at this stage and Nuno will also notice the impact of certain things. People around us might not always be fully aware of this dilemma. But we soldier on. I had my breakfast at noon as all night I was feeling nauseated and also in the morning. Slept a lot and it subsided—happy about that. I also might have done too much the last couple of weeks. Fighting the constant weakness and exhaustion is tough! People that are still healthy don't realize how fortunate they ARE.
Yes, prayer does help and we both do that a lot for each other and those that are dear to us.
Big hugs,

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Yes, sometimes people around us don't understand how hard it is to live with this problem.
Nuno can't eat everything and both him and I still use masks, even with all the anti Covid shots, but many people don't understand why we sometimes don't go out to eat with them or visit them.
Some already had Covid more than once and if Nuno gets even a slight flue and gets called to get the transplant, he can't have it.
So, we keep on soldiering as you say and don't pay attention to what other people think. It's our life and health and like Nuno days, we are the ones that pay the bills, not them! ;)
Glad to know you are feeling better today, and please take care and get all the rest you need, Mariette.
Nuno also feels tired, sometimes and he takes some vitamins (magnesium, pholic acid and others). Do you take any vitamins?

Cidália Ferreira disse...

E no aproveitar é que está o ganho!:))
Desejo que todos tenhamos saúde e paz. Que nunca nos falte a alegria de viver, o bom senso, a humildade, a solidariedade, a compreensão e a união, etc..
É outra vez Natal ...
Um beijo/abraço fraterno a quem de direito. Sejam muito felizes hoje e sempre. Um 2023 cheio de positividade.

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Obrigada, Cidália!
Os meus desejos são os mesmos para si e para os seus e que Deus nos abençoe a cada dia mais, naquilo que mais precisamos.
Beijinhos e feliz Natal!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Yes, I do take supplements and vitamins.

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

That's a smart move. That and taking good care of you, are the best things you can do to help your body. :)

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...


Maria Rodrigues disse...

Para a nossa ceia de Natal vai ser o tradicional bacalhau.
Paula, desejo-lhe um Feliz Natal 🎄 e que o Novo Ano lhe traga um universo de alegrias, saúde, paz e amor.

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Igualmente, Maria!
Já fizemos a baba de camelo, o polvo panado e o Bolo-Rei (experiência do marido) e já está no forno. Agora é só tratar dos salgados, que o resto dos doces foram comprados este ano!
Muitos beijinhos, um Natal cheio de coisas boas e acima de tudo cheio do Amor de Deus!

Ingrid Shinoda disse...

Olá Paula!
O chestet ainda é diferente do Peru. A carne do Peru é mais dura e seca, a do chester é macia e suculenta. Eu prefiro o chester =)
Beijinhos e tenha uma linda semana :)

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Ah, pensei que era a mesma coisa! :P
Beijinhos e que Deus te abençoe!

Ingrid Shinoda disse...

Hehe não, são diferentes :)
Beijinhos! Deus te abençoe também :)