quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2022


When someone tells me my book is addictive and they read it in 2 days.😁

17 comentários:

Bella disse...

Eheh que cãozinho mais fofo :D Bjs

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

É, sim senhor!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Dearest Paula,
That would be the BEST ever compliment!
Any book that cannot be put down is so captivating that people just read on.
Hoping to find some more reading time after Christmas.
Yesterday I did put my knee pads on and started to clean the tile base board in our kitchen with a special brush and a spray cleaner.
Today, I barely could get out of bed—so sore... My butt hurts like somebody kicked me around. Haha and knowing that half of the kitchen needs to be completed and next the hallway. But I'll get it done.
Just drove to Atlanta today for picking up two pair of summer shoes that got new heels from the cobbler and then we did shop for a few missing items at Costco, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Market Place.
The weather was sunny but rather chilly—perfect for driving!
Kitties were happy when I arrived home by 4:00 PM.
Big hugs to you, Nuno and to Tareco.
Pieter, Mariette and kitties.

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Hi, Mariette!
I think so, too! I always get giddy, when people tell me they couldn't put my book down! :)
I'm hoping to be able to read a little more, too, but I think that will have to wait until next year...
You are very brave, to clean the floor on your hands and knees! I think I would feel like that too, the next day! ;P
I bought 2 pairs of shoes from Rockport a few weeks ago and because I remember your post about taking your new shoes to the cobbler, to switch the heel soles (is that how it is called?) for rubber ones, one of the first things I checked were the heel soles.
And because this is a good quality brand, the soles were made of rubber, not plastic like the ones in most of the new shoes!
Here is their link, if you want to check them out: https://rockport.pt/17-ocasiao
Have a blessed weekend and lots of hugs to you, Pieter and the kitties!
And praying for Kwekkie to show up.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Paula, of course the better brands already have better soles and heels! For safety we always should think about that as it is far better to prevent any fracture from falling than the expense of good—safe shoes or boots.
Big hugs to all of you and no Kwekkie yet. But remember, she was a wild duck that came to us...

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Exactly. Better safe than sorrow.
Praying that everything is okay with Kwekkie and that he found more duck buddies and flew to warmer places with them!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...

Always better to be safe than sorry Paula! It is rather nippy cold, otherwise we could bike around and start looking for her/him at nearby ponds.
Who knows do they have duck friends? Don't know if our Kwekkie still could fly—seemingly too heavy for a 'take off'...
Big hugs,

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Yes, he may be in a nearby pond and someone may be feeding him, too. Either way, I hope everything is okay with him.🙏
Big hugs!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder disse...


Ginny Hartzler disse...

You are an author? Where is your book for sale?

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Hi, Ginny!
Yes, I'm a Christian author and I wrote my first book. It's in Portuguese, though! ;)
Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/-/pt/dp/B0BDXG1VK6/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1663951877&refinements=p_27%3AAlexandra+Santos&s=books&sr=1-1

- R y k @ r d o - disse...

Penso que seja um livro e sendo, olhando para a capa, imagino ser muito interessante
Gostei muito do seu blogue. Fiquei seguidor
Feliz fim de semana … (14 anos)
Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Olá, Rykardo!
É verdade, é um romance cristão e posso já adiantar que tem um final feliz!
Bom fim-de-semana!

Isa Sá disse...

Vou guardar a sugestão!
Isabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda

Jaime Portela disse...

Nunca li nenhum livro seu, mas talvez este seja o primeiro...
Muito sucesso para o seu livro.
Tenha uma boa semana, Paula Alexandra.
Um beijo.

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Obrigada, Jaime!
Boa semana!

Paula Alexandra Santos disse...

Obrigada, Isa!
Boa semana e boas modas!